About Us
Malaysia Steel Institute (MSI) is an industry driven enterprise supported and funded by the Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI) on shared responsibility basis with the industry
Our Vision
To reshape and facilitate the necessary environment for a sustainable iron and steel industry
Our Objectives
To promote & develop the competitiveness, resilience and sustainability of the Malaysian iron and steel industry.
- To provide advisory services and carry out, commission or promote the study of scientific, technology and economic aspects of iron and steel industry development in Malaysia.
To promote iron and steel product standardisation and utilisation within Malaysia.
Our Functions
Facilitate and provide inputs to support Government in policy formulation.
- Facilitate research and development (R&D).
Facilitate the development of standards in consultation with the relevant government agencies and the iron and steel industry.
- Plan and facilitate human capital development.
Develop a comprehensive iron and steel industrial database.
- Provide advisory services on trade remedy matters